Raising People Up

Recently, I asked the Lord this question: “What have you called me to?” After several weeks of praying and waiting, I felt the Lord respond with this answer: “I’ve called you to raise people up.”

We all know we are called to raise people up — to disciple! We are called to invite people in, make space for them, teach them, lead them, then get out of the way and allow them to grow and bloom. There are many opportunities to do this in our day to day and in our churches, but one specific area I want to encourage you to think about is raising up the next generation in your worship ministry.

Do you have any Jr. High or High School-age musicians in your church? How about on your worship teams? If so, how are you helping them grow? The first area of growth is on their actual instrument but, as we know, much of that is up to them. The next area however, is something they will need your help with – that is learning to play with a team. At Vineyard Worship, we know that this is a crucial component to their growth so we want to help.

We created RISE - a 2-day intensive designed to train, mentor, and equip young worship leaders and musicians ages 12-17 - teaching them the necessary skills to thrive as musicians and the spiritual guidance to grow as worshippers and leaders in a congregational setting.

If you have young musicians in your church, we encourage you to bring them to (or host!) a RISE event. It is important that, as churches and as worship communities, we help disciple and equip our churches for more – and this includes our next generation!

Take a moment to watch the video below and check out our upcoming RISE dates - and if you are interested in hosting a RISE event, please let us know. We would love to partner with you in RAISING UP our next generation of worship musicians!

- Melisa Keller


Melisa Keller is the Director of Events and Project Management for Vineyard Worship. She is a wife, mother of two and also leads worship and serves at Vineyard Fullerton Church in Southern California.


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